Thursday, June 26, 2008

Josiah is missin his girlfriend.

We were on our way home lastnight and Josiah was asking me when school was going to start again. I told him not for awhile and he got upset. He informed me that he misses his girlfriend. My little boy who is 4 is worried about his girlfriend. I don't think I am ready for him to grow up. If i'm dealing with a girlfriend at 4, what does the future hold? Ha Ha. Look how sweet they are though.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The boys!!!!!!

Well, the last week or so have been crazy. Dan left me for a wonderful week at the beach with our students. So, i had the boys all week. Don't feel sorry for me though, my parents graciously came to my rescue. The boys had so much fun with Nana and papa that it was hard to say goodbye. Josiah doesn't know this yet, but we are set to make the drive to Mo. in July to see all of our family. Joe has been wanting to see his great papa and his cows. We also haven't seen my brother and sister in awhile so it will be nice to get away from our fast pace life here in Dallas and spend some time in the country.

Josiah is enjoying his first ever week of VBS.( vacation bible school) He is having so much fun. He really misses his friends from school, so it has been good for him to see some familiar faces. I can't believe that my little boy is even old enough to attend vbs. It seems like everyday he is getting bigger and trying something new. He will play soccer in the fall though the city of Frisco. He is so excited. I can't wait to be a soccer mom. :) He has always wanted to be big enough to play a sport, so the time has come. If he doesn't like soccer we will move on to the next sport until he finds what he loves.

Jackson is amazing us everyday. Today he took 4 steps all by himself. After doctors breathing down my neck telling me that he is going to be delayed because of all he's been thought, now I just thank my God because he is perfect. Jackson has always been a fighter and everyday he makes me realize that God is so good. He is really growing into his little personality. He makes us laugh all the time.We really have been blessed with great kids. We have our share of moments but all in all I couldn't have asked for better.

Just as a side note: I am leaving blogger for word press. My sweet friend who is amazingly talented with all of this web stuff in going to design my new page. You can see her blog listed under my blogs I read, Living Locurto. I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Get a tissue and watch this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our church did this last easter and it was so powerful. This chruch did it and I wanted to share it with you. Our God is so amazing and loves us to pieces.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer is here.

I haven't blogged in a while because we have been so busy with the end of school, work stuff, student ministry stuff, and just daily craziness. Also, Dan gets all the good blogs about family happenings. Maybe because he always has his beloved mac book open.:) Anyway, this is our second summer in the great state of Texas, and it is hot!! We spend almost everyday these days in our community pool. I have to admit I am glad we decided to buy with a private pool. Its so nice. The boys love the water and whats better to do on a hot day.

Dan and I are in talks of signing up Josiah for fall soccer. Josiah is so excited. I think that it would be good for him. He loves to run and kick stuff. Neither one of us know the rules of the game so I hope he has a great coach that will teach the parents as well. His first sport choice is basketball,( Uncle Mike would be so proud) but for now he will try soccer.

Jackson is doing great. He is all over the place. I would guess within the next month he will be walking or running. Every once in a while he will stand by himself and get all excited and fall. I love watching him chase Joe around the house though. He climbs all over Joe and wrestling with him. If you didn't know my husband loves the UFC and Dan and Joe's watch it almost every week. It will come back to haunt us when he practices on Jackson. I am so thankful for a healthy baby these days. We are in a very good place with him.

I have been enjoying a few nights out with friends. My MOPS group (mothers of preschoolers) decided to do a book club over the summer and I thought it would be fun. If you know me I don't love to read. I wish that I did, I am just in that season in my life where when I have a moment all I want to do is sleep. Kids are exhausting. Anyway, We read the book, The Shack. I am almost done and I really like it. It is Non-fiction so read with caution, but it paints a beautiful picture of the love our father has for us. I would recommend it. Some we have met twice to discuss the book and a hour meeting turns into four. It is so nice to have a group of women to just hang out with. I prayed and prayed when we moved here that I would find someone that I could trust and just have a friendship with. Well, my prayers were answered three fold. I am so thankful for the women in my life. I am excited about what God has for us here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Just wanted to pass this info on.

I was watching the Today's show yesterday and saw that they were talking about bunk beds. My four year old was just given bunk beds and loves them to pieces. After seeing the following we( and or I) decided maybe Josiah should sleep on the bottom bunk for a year or so.

Some of you might think that I am being a little to cautious about this but I can't help it. I still flash back to the day Jackson was born and wondering if i would ever see him again. Then the haunting day I found him unresponsive in his crib and the ambulance ride to follow. These images and thoughts I can't erase. So, if I am being too over the top with safely so be it. I love my kiddos and will always try to do the right thing. Sorry, Maybe this blog is more for me just to write, but if you have bunk beds please check out the link above and make your own decision.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I've been tagged!

Thanks Neely! I needed something to do at work :).

Five things on my to-do list today.
1. Call the dentist for a reschedule.
2. Finish the mound of laundry calling my name.
3. Put all the laundry away from the last like ten loads!
4. Hopefully find something quick for supper.
5. Go for a bike ride with my boys.

Snacks I enjoy.
1. Wheatables
2. Butter lovers popcorn
3. Homemade chocolate chip cookies
4. Brownies
5. Goldfish (every mom has the five pound box from sams club)

Things I would do if I were a millionaire.
1. Give to a children's hospital like Saint Jude. (We are forever thankful for Jacksons Doctors)
2. Be Debt free. (My house and Jackson first year of life)
3. Put tons of the money away for college.
4. Buy Dan the jeep wrangler of his dreams.
5. Give my parents the house they always wanted.

Places I have lived.
1. McKinney, TX
2. Warrensburg, MO
3. Springfield, MO
4. Bolivar, MO
5. Salem, Mo

Bad Habits I have
1. Not finishing the laundry.
2. Leaving my shoes in various places.
3. Not rinsing the dishes to Dan's standards.
4. Not finishing a book.
5. Not having my cell phone on and charged.

Jobs I have held
1. Receptionist
2. U.S. Bank teller
3. Lifeguard for Southwest Baptist University
4. Swim instructor
5. Lifeguard for Salem Pool

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!